
Schools for Salone “Back to School” Support Crucial as Food Insecurity Increases in Sierra Leone

Sep 27, 2024

Schools for Salone “Back to School” Support Crucial as Food Insecurity Increases in Sierra Leone

Some schoolchildren in Buma

Schools For Salone, a Seattle-based Non-Profit Organization (NGO) expanding education access in Sierra Leone, has launched the “Full Up Di Popo Bag” campaign to combat hunger and equip schoolchildren with the educational tools needed for their academic work. This initiative is primarily aimed at relieving families of their financial burden as the new school year begins. 

Food Insecurity In Sierra Leone

According to the World Food Programme’s latest hunger report, most Sierra Leoneans live in a state of food insecurity. This situation has worsened, with 82.3 percent of the population affected compared to 80 percent last year. 

The report, which was done in February 2024, added that amongst those facing food insecurity, 18 percent of households are severely food insecure. Among the surveyed households, 68 percent spend more than 75 percent of their total expenditure on food. 

The commodities prices have also increased, with rice, Sierra Leone’s most popular staple food, significantly increasing. From January 2023 to January 2024, the cost of local rice surged by 31 percent, while imported rice increased by 38 percent. 

This has caused families to struggle to afford basic necessities, and the impact on education is profound. Some parents, who are not able to afford the basics, such as food, also struggle to buy uniforms, shoes, and even school supplies. This has caused most parents to start the school year in debt as they need to borrow money to provide for their children. 

Research has also shown that proper nutrition is crucial for cognitive development and learning. A child who attends school on an empty stomach is less likely to concentrate and succeed academically. Schools for Salone recognises this challenge and is committed to addressing it head-on through their fundraising campaign. 

How Schools For Salone is Helping

To alleviate the financial burden on families when the school year begins and ensure students have the tools they need, Schools for Salone has launched the “Full Di Popo Bag” campaign. 

The goal is to raise $10,000 by September 12, 2024 to provide scholarships and school supplies for young school children across Sierra Leone. With the “Full Up Di Popo Bag” campaign, the organization is committed to ensuring that no child in SFS supported schools starts the 2024/2025 school year with an empty backpack. 

This initiative also helps combat hunger amongst families as parents will now have less struggle in making funds available for food. The money they would have used to buy school supplies can now be redirected to buying foodstuff, thus nourishing their families and allowing school children to attend classes with full bellies. 

What You Can Do To Help

Schools for Salone “Back to School” Support Crucial as Food Insecurity Increases in Sierra Leone

The success of this campaign relies on the generosity of donors who believe in the power of education. Every contribution made ensures that children in Sierra Leone have a fair chance to succeed. 

One can donate by clicking on this link. By donating to the “Full Di Popo Bag” campaign, you are directly impacting the lives of students who aspire to be educated and rise above their circumstances. 

Help Schools for Salone break barriers that hinder access to education. By helping address food insecurity amongst the families of school children and equipping the students with the necessary educational tools, you are empowering the next generation to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities. 

Kindly visit this link to make your donation.