How We Work
Schools for Salone’s success comes from building strong partnerships. Through our collaboration with these organizations, we are able to improve lives in Sierra Leone by expanding access to education.
Building Schools Partner: Programme for Children
Programme for Children (PFC) is our in-country partner who manages school construction and support programs in Sierra Leone. Since 1980, Joseph Williams Lamin and PFC have constructed over 65 schools, countless latrines and water wells, and provided scholarships for thousands of children to go to school. It is Joseph and his remarkable PFC team’s determination and dedication to empowering children, teachers, and women that drives our success in Sierra Leone.

Training Teachers Partner: The Learning Foundation
Schools for Salone partners with The Learning Foundation in Sierra Leone to provide reading programs in schools and libraries to improve literacy and learning engagement. The Learning Foundation works with students, teachers, librarians, and specifically girls in junior secondary school. These programs target girls and low performing students to narrow the gap in achievement and retention.

Empowering Students Partner: Uman Tok
Uman Tok, Krio for Woman Talk, is run by a strong team of women in Sierra Leone dedicated to empowering women and girls through reproductive health education and access to sustainable, hygienic menstruation kits. Uman Tok employs local women to produce Days for Girls kits, distributes them to girls in our schools, and makes them available to other women and girls through a network of organizations.